Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Cardboard is More Appealing

So, I started my liquid diet yesterday.  Dear God what have I gotten myself into?  The shakes are bad--like really bad.  The thought of consuming only these little packets of powder, sent me into a deep depression yesterday.  I tried cooking with one of them, but it looked beyond disgusting.  I wouldn't have fed it to a dog--disgusting.  There are the following flavors:


Supposedly, the potato is versatile.  Though in my vast experience (sarcasm) it is the most disgusting.  I think I'll stick to the Chocolate and Vanilla, both of which have been pretty good actually.  I'll be testing the Tomato for dinner tonight, I hear it is pretty good too.  We shall see.  

After my culinary failure, I about lost my mind last night.  I was so beyond hungry, I got the worst headache I've had in years.  I was exhausted, and needed food, but the thought of attempting another shake or soup was repulsive to me.  So I ate spinach and shredded carrots.  Not technically on my list of foods I can eat, but I figured it was better than McDonald's.  I wanted to be somewhat awake and functioning for my first weight loss meeting.  

The meeting went well.  I am by far the youngest person, and I was supposedly put in the "young" group.  It made me wonder who the hell was in the other programs?  70 year olds?  Perplexing to say the least.  I made a friend, even if she is twice my age and all of her kids are older than me.  She is three weeks into the program, 10 lbs down, and is very welcoming and understanding. 

Once I left the meeting?  I was beyond hungry.  I ate an entire carrot when I got home, but I knew if I didn't get some sustenance before bed, my 10+ hour Wednesday and Thursday work shift would be a disaster.  So, I caved into temptation.  I'm not proud of myself, but technically my diet was supposed to start Wednesday anyways.  You better believe I ate an entire box of macaroni.  

This blog wont be all butterflies and perfection.  I'm going to have hard days, where I will be so down that I can only punch out three words.  "Fuck this Shit" comes to mind.  "I need food" is another.  Today's a new day, and meeting everyone last night renewed my hope.  So far, I've had a chocolate shake, and I think I'll have another one, because you don't want to see me when I'm hungry. 

Current Weight Loss: 0 Lbs. 

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